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Web Traffic Stats Script 1.1

Web Traffic Stats Script Web Traffic Stats Script 1.1

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Web Traffic Stats Script Publisher's Description

With this Web Traffic Statistics Service Software you are free to track only your own (unlimted) websites and/or run this php script as a web traffic statistics tracking service. All stats the script delivers are live statistics, so your members can follow their visitors in real time. The php script comes with many benefits.

Script Features
- Detailed visitor and hits live statistic (Daily Visitors, Monthly Visitors, Total Visitors, Latest Visitors).
- Top Referrers live statistic.
- Visitor Info live statistics including pie chart (Browser, Country, Language, Javascript, Operating System, Color Depth, Screen Resolution).
- Option to select the time priod for all stats.
- Setup your own monthly prices for two plans (Plan A and Plan B).
- PayPal payment system included.
- Option to run it as only a paid service, mixed as a free/paid service or use the script only for your own sites and save the monthly fees for using a similar web traffic tracking analysis service or software.
- Members can add unlimited sites for web traffic statistics count.
- Top Banner Rotator function included (Make additional money for selling this ad space.)
- Contact form including captcha security image to prevent spam.
- Option to use the mysqli database extension, if supported by your hosting. (A mysqli connection is a faster and safer database connection as the usual mysql connection.)
- Hand coded script, md5 encoded user and admin passwords, designed under the newest security aspects.
- PHP 6 ready
- Easy and fast installation
And more

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